Apart from the Kata & Application range - 28 Shotokan-based kata bunkai DVDs - we have a range of other kata.  Mostly Naha-te based (but not exclusively), here they are:
Seiyunchinseiyunchin bunkai video
Also written as Seienchin or Seiunchin, this fandamental Naha-te kata has powerful applications, some of which are demonstrated and explained here on this hour long video.  
Stances, angles, turns, hand strikes, locks, grappling, and much more are all available from this one kata.

The DVD is available post free here
The Download is available here at $29.95

This is nearest to the Wadokai version of the kata.  It is a simple set of applications in an hour long presentation, showing how this crane kata can be used for striking, balance manipulations, and locking joints.  Practical applications, including the "u-shaped punch" and the five-finger spear hand.
"Just down loaded and watched your Rohai level 1 video. It is great, just what I was looking for. A lot of ideas I hadn't even considered in my own training, I paticuarly enjoyed your take on the 1 legged possition and the reason for the 360 degree spin on the shotouke. poor old Ros though he alwasys seems to take a battering haha.
thanks very much for all your hard work with this project" B.D.
The Rohai video is available as a download at $24.95

Gekisai Dai Ichigekisai bunkai dvd
The first kata of GojuRyu, created by Miyagi sensei.  Often seen as a beginner's exercise, here it is shown to be a powerful tool for defeating an opponent.  You don't call a Kata "Attack and Smash" for nothing, you know...
Running time: over an hour
The DVD is available post free

The Gekisai Dai Ichi video is available as a download at $29.95

gekisai bunkai video
Gekisaidai Ni
The fundamental kata is explored from the viewpoint of close-in responses to attack.  Practical applications are presented for the techniques introduced in this kata, as well as further variants of the moves repeated from the last kata.
Locks, throws, strikes, as you'd expect.
The DVD is available post free
The Gekisaidai Ni video is available as a download at $24.95

 Sanchin & Tensho
In this video, lasting 1 hour and 40 minutes, John Burke sensei takes a look at the kata Sanchin and the kata Tensho.
These fundamental mainstays of Naha-te Karate lineages like Goju Ryu and Uechi Ryu are widely practiced as breathing exercises and body development forms.  Some even go so far as to say "there are no applications" to them.
Of course, the movements are found in other kata.  Kata that are considered "fighting kata" or "complete styles" in their own right.  So here the moves are shown with practical self defence in mind.
Sanchin & Tensho - pairing where the yin & yang of the martial arts, hardness and softness, flow and tension, are found in an ever-changing tide of balance and imbalance.
The Sanchin & Tensho video is available as a download at $29.95
tensho bunkai video
Tensho 2

Whereas the Sanchin & Tensho volume offers up a comparison and contrast of the two kata, thisvolume gives us 50 minutes of extra insight into Tensho on it's own.  Rotating palms, and how those "soft movements" can be used to tie up an opponent in knots.
The Tensho 2 video is available as a download at $29.95

The Bunkai Strategies Newsletter 2012 comprised of a series of video clips totalling over 90 minutes of tuition.  This resource is available now as a download for the bargain price of $10!  You can have bunkai principles and techniques available on your pad or pc whenever you need them...
For the Bunkai Strategies Newsletter 2013 It might be useful for posterity, for building your own bunkai library, or for the sake of portability when there's no wifi around. Week 1- 50  just $29.95 for 4 hours of footage
Bunkai Strategies DVD
The Bunkai Strategies Newsletter 2014 
The collected Newsletter videos.  This year we have amassed 4 hours 20 minutes of footage
around the theme of the Core Principles of effective kata bunkai.  
This marks a valuable resource, currently available for free on the web, if you would like to collect, keep, and refer to these videos even when you are offline then please Download them here at a cost of $50 but a much higher value.
You can now have those clips as a resource on your pad or pc whether you are online or not for the bargain price of $50!  
Download them here:

Pressure Point Bunkai video
Pressure Points in Kata Bunkai vol 1.  
1 hour of demonstration of the enhancement of knowing which pressure points a technique uses in practical kata bunkai.  Instead of looking at any one particular kata, we go through a number of moves from different kata and show how to add in that extra 10% which doesn't rely on strength.  
Post free DVD

Only $24.95 for the Download

torite tekki bunkai video

Tuite in Tekki
This hour long video features the kata Tekki Shodan and parts of Tekki Nidan and Sandan (also know, with small variations, as Naihanchi) and how the art of "twisting hands" relates to the applications.  Obviously, there are stiking applications that are shown on Kata & Application volumes 7, 16, and 26 but here we look particularly at the side of the art where restraint can be enhanced to limb damage.  
Post free DVD:

Click here for the Download at $29.95

saifa bunkai dvd
The Smash and Tear kata, so fundamental to the Naha-te lineage.  Practical applications for close-in types of response to aggression.

£19.95 DVD, post free

Click here for the Download at $24.95
BUNKAI part 1
bunkai dvd
This video is over an hour of instruction in the principles that make the moves from kata into self protection techniques in a no-nonsense way.

Initially, it is available at only £15.

The Download is available here at a mere $20
kata bunkai oyo dvdOYO part 1
This video is 1 hour and 20 minutes of laying out the method we use to take kata bunkai towards a pressured level of kumite that uses realistic distance rather that sparring distance.  It shows how the 
principles are applied in practical ways that are sustainable across the different levels of experience that we encounter in the dojo.
Initially the DVD is available at only £15

The Download is available at $20
basic waza practical applications
Bunkai of Basics
This video is 54 minutes long, and it gets right to the root of the most essential techniques that we were taught and teach all the time.  The Basics.  Your uke waza, zuki waza, and keri waza.  Once we understand how to apply these fundamental techniques the wonders of our kata bunkai begin to fit together.
Initially, the DVD is available at only £15  

The Download is available here at $19
Click here to view all the physical books and DVDs that you have ordered so far:
or your Download Cart here: 


Naha & Shuri

There is a concept that is spoken of often in the martial arts.  Karate originated around the towns of Naha and Shuri.  Broadly speaking, Naha kata are from a crane kung fu background and Shuri kata are the other styles of kung fu.  Naha kata are strong and Shuri kata are fast.

These things are not entirely true.

Rather than think in terms of these style limitations, we would urge practitioners to seek the information in EACH kata.  That each one might be seen as a style of fighting in its own way.


John Burke's Bunkai Resources

Karate Academy, King Street Studios, King Street, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2LG, United Kingdom

01626 360999

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