Tekki Shodan, previously known as Naihanchi is one of the most maligned and mis-understood kata that there is.
When Karate kata bunkai are taught there is usually some nonsensical stuff taught for this kata.
Far from being a method of fighting in narrow alleys, on the walkways between rice fields, or sitting on a boat/standing on a Chinese Junk, this kata displays the techniques and methods that are indispensable in grappling.
Nakayama sensei in his Best Karate books claimed that one should turn the head briskly as the kata was tedious. Tekki Shodan is a work of art. Claimed by Motobu sensei to be only thing you would ever need, and Funakoshi sensei trained in it (or the Naihanchi progenitor) for 9 years. Something this sublime should be studied and restudied.
Practical, close-in, fighting applications for the kata are available in Book, DVD, and Download form.
Iron Horseman level 1 is John Burke sensei's book demonstrating the grappling techniques of Tekki Shodan.
With short sections on history and background, the traps, locks, chokes and strikes are demonstrated in pictures with the help of Richard Carrick sensei.
Learn why you want to step sideways. Learn what nami gaeshi is really for.
You can get the ebook here:
or buy a hardcopy for £14.95 now from this site for no delivery charges
Tekki Shodan Application DVD has John Burke sensei demonstrating the techniques in a no-nonsense, no frills manner, just as though you were there in the dojo with him.
See if you can identify how "the invisible choke" works.
At around an hour long, this DVD showing just how the un-balancing and disrupting techniques can be used represents excellent value for money
at £19.95
The video is available to download here:
Tekki Nidan
Part two of the Naihanchi story.
Normally taught to 2nd degree Black Belts, the sideways moving kata is a grappling relative of the Tekki Shodan kata.
If you would like to see applications that show how the moves of this kata can be used in close, against a grappler, to gain advantage and cause considerable pain with a series of locks, chokes, and dangerous strikes then this DVD is for you.
The mild amount of £19.95 gets you approximately 1 hour of tuition from John Burke sensei, author of Iron Horseman (a book about Tekki Shodan applications) and features Alfredo Marano sensei visiting the Devon, UK dojo from Italy.
Click the link below to have a DVD sent to you with no postage charges no matter where in the world you are.
The Tekki Nidan bunkai application DVD is also available as a download at $24.95 here:
Volume 26 - Tekki Sandan. Iron Horseman Level 3.
Many Thanks John I will be in touch , your Tekki sandan dvd has really opened my eyes to possibilities . Many Thanks it has inspired me a lot - B. Clarke, Fraserburgh, Scotland.
The last part of the Naihanchi family of kata. In this volume we look at the advanced kata and show why there are no "double blocks" and why the variations between associations still lead to the same conclusions.
The physical DVD is currently unavailable.
Tekki Sandan is available as a Download, here, at $29.95
As a special offer, the Iron Horseman level 1 book, plus the DVDs on Tekki Shodan, Nidan and the download of Tekki Sandan, available separately at £74.80 can be ordered here for £65
This hour long video demonstrates the applications of Tekki Shodan, with select parts of Tekki Nidan and Sandan shown through the lens of our understanding of Torite Jutsu. Popularised by Oyata Sensei using the term "Tuite", this way of looking at the kata uses the Art of Twisting Hands to gain the compliance of the attacker.
The DVD is available post free for £19.95
The Download is available at $29.95
John Burke's Bunkai Resources
Karate Academy, King Street Studios, King Street, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2LG, United Kingdom